Welcome! Tally ho!

Our B.V.I. Adventure is designed to give our family, friends and any other interested followers a look into the life of two expatriates making their way on the island of Tortola. Tortola is the largest island in the British Virgin Islands.

So, why did we move 2,000 miles away from our home in Knoxville, Tennessee? Michael accepted a position as the director of retail and international sales for a Caribbean clothing brand.



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living in the British virgin islands
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 309: The Pearl, Painkillers and Peeps from the Past

The Norwegian Pearl was in port on Thursday.  And on the ship?  Two friends I hadn't seen in a long time!  After their morning excursion to see the Baths on Virgin Gorda, we met up with Angie and Dan at the Pusser's Pub for a Painkiller! 
Angie and I worked together at WATE-TV in Knoxville.  She's still a producer there in fact!  It was wonderful to catch up with them and hear about their travels so far...  They had been in St. Thomas the day before and still had a stop in the Bahamas ahead of them.

Oh, and notice Dan's shirt!  He rocked the Tennessee orange just for us!  Michael was extremely appreciative of the gesture.  Even though I bleed orange and blue, my little Gator heart fluttered at the sight of an SEC tee.  It's the little things...