Welcome! Tally ho!

Our B.V.I. Adventure is designed to give our family, friends and any other interested followers a look into the life of two expatriates making their way on the island of Tortola. Tortola is the largest island in the British Virgin Islands.

So, why did we move 2,000 miles away from our home in Knoxville, Tennessee? Michael accepted a position as the director of retail and international sales for a Caribbean clothing brand.



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living in the British virgin islands
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Signage Sunday: Bathroom Humor

This sign hanging in the restroom at the Jolly Roger always gets a laugh from our guests.  We took friends, Cristall and Will there on Friday night for lobster and you can thank Will for venturing back into the restroom for this shot! 


dburlison said...

Appreciate your well done site-very interesting/informative..

Travel Safe- WORLD TRAVEL UPDATES-FOREIGN TRAVEL GUIDE Also a locals guide to the US Virgin Islands):


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