Welcome! Tally ho!

Our B.V.I. Adventure is designed to give our family, friends and any other interested followers a look into the life of two expatriates making their way on the island of Tortola. Tortola is the largest island in the British Virgin Islands.

So, why did we move 2,000 miles away from our home in Knoxville, Tennessee? Michael accepted a position as the director of retail and international sales for a Caribbean clothing brand.



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living in the British virgin islands
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 79: GIANT Jenga

Check out T's game face!  

After such an intense day on the White Squall 2, we took it easy on Tuesday.  I worked in the morning, then we headed into town to grab a late lunch and relax by the pool at Nanny Cay.   Michael joined us for sunset and a friendly game of GIANT Jenga.  {Full disclosure: I lost.}  Oh, and it hurts when these 2X4s come crashing down to the ground...especially when you're wearing flip flops!  Yikes!