Welcome! Tally ho!

Our B.V.I. Adventure is designed to give our family, friends and any other interested followers a look into the life of two expatriates making their way on the island of Tortola. Tortola is the largest island in the British Virgin Islands.

So, why did we move 2,000 miles away from our home in Knoxville, Tennessee? Michael accepted a position as the director of retail and international sales for a Caribbean clothing brand.



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living in the British virgin islands
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 92: Susan & Wade Makes 8

Whitney's dear friends, Susan and Wade, who live outside of Nashville just happened to be on a family vacation in St. John the same week she was here!  We can see St. John from our house, so we just had to meet up! 

Susan and Wade have two little girls.  While the older one, Sally was perfectly content to stay at the resort on St. John and hang with her cousins, little Ruby is too small and needed to come along.  So on day 92, they headed for Tortola. Wade's step-sister, Andi and her husband Chris came too, along with Wade's aunt, Mary Lynn. 

Whitney and I met them at the dock to pick them up.  Thank goodness for the third row of seats in the car!  We packed 'em in like sardines...including the baby, the car seat, and the stroller!  Our first stop was just over Zion Hill at the Nature Boy Beach Bar on Long Bay Beach.  Coincidentally, Andi and Chris had honeymooned at Long Bay Beach Resort 17 years ago!  They were excited to be back after all these years.  Check out some of our photos from the beach...it was a gorgeous day!

We were there so early, we had to call the bartender!  You can see his cell phone is painted on the front of the bar for exactly that purpose.  Only in the BVI!

This next one is one of my favorite shots...

And check out little Ruby - what a gem?!?  (Oh, and that's a leaf she's holding!)

The group really wanted to see Pusser's and do a little shopping to support the home team, so we headed to nearby Soper's Hole.  We enjoyed a great lunch there and went back over Zion Hill to snorkel at Smuggler's Cove.  

We had to make one last stop at the infamous Bomba Shack!  This is where they serve Bomba punch, complete with finely chopped rum-soaked mushrooms.  {Not of the psychadelic kind, not to worry - they only bring those out for the Full Moon Parties!  Ha!}

 We packed a lot in day 92, considering we had to get the crew back to the ferry by 3:45!