Welcome! Tally ho!

Our B.V.I. Adventure is designed to give our family, friends and any other interested followers a look into the life of two expatriates making their way on the island of Tortola. Tortola is the largest island in the British Virgin Islands.

So, why did we move 2,000 miles away from our home in Knoxville, Tennessee? Michael accepted a position as the director of retail and international sales for a Caribbean clothing brand.



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living in the British virgin islands
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our Anniversary & a Giveaway!

365 days in the BVI.  Wow. 

It was exactly one year ago today - in the early morning hours of December 14th - that Michael and I left our home in Knoxville with suitcases in hand.  A crate of our belongings was already on a ship making its way through the Caribbean sea.  Our life was about to change drastically.  We were feeling a mix of emotions...excited, somewhat scared, and sad to leave family and friends.  I remember looking at Michael when our plane landed in sunny San Juan and saying something like "We're really doing this..."

Transplanted from a place where all things were familiar and comfortable, we landed on Tortola without much more than a sense of self and each other.  We rented a car and Michael drove us "home."  Grocery shopping on Day 1 seemed too overwhelming so we went to Pusser's in Road Town for dinner.  {Remember, this was before the new Rite Way!} 

This date on the calendar has completely snuck up on us!  To mark our anniversary, we are unveiling a new design for Our BVI Adventure!  You like?  Too much pink?  :) 

We'd like your help with Our Anniversary Survey!  Similar to the exit surveys we give our guests, we'd love to turn the tables a bit and answer your questions.  What do you want to know about life in the BVI?  What have I missed? 

And to incentivize our dear readers, we're giving away a BVI package full of treats from all over the island...
A bottle of Pusser's Rum, Da Tree Men t-shirt, local spices from Sunny Caribbee, just to name a few! 

All you have to do is submit a question either through the comment section, Facebook, or email (ameliadaniels @ gmail.com).  We will do a follow-up post that will include our answers to your questions and announce the winner of the random drawing!  Sound like a plan??? 

Lastly, a huge thank you to all of the family and friends who've supported us during this year away from home.  I received so many sweet messages from friends this past weekend, reminiscing about the bon voyage party, hosted by our dear friends Caty and Matt.  Here are a few photos from that night...

I think I win the award for "most changed." {My skin color is much darker and hair color is much lighter thanks to the sun!}  Ha!

Okay, submit those questions!  We'll  be accepting them all week, until midnight Friday!   Thanks for joining us on Our BVI Adventure!


Miss Earhart said...

OK - Since I've been there 3 times, I feel like I know a lot about your life there. Here's a question: When are you coming back? ; ) Seriously, how about these. . . What has your most hilarious moment been while on island?, What has been the hardest thing about life on Tortola? AND What's your favorite new food/drink you have discovered?

Lauren Kimzey said...

Will you ever jump off the boat at Willy T's in nothing but your birthday suit? Or have you already? Hehe

Lauren Kimzey said...

I love the new blog design! Never too much pink!

McCall Morgan said...

Ok- I'm sure I'll think of more questions soon, but I'll go ahead and post one now: What has been the most memorable moment of your year in Tortola? and Do you guys have anything special planned tonight to celebrate one year on the island? I know that Sharon and Dennis are there. Tell them hi!

Beth Webb said...

If you could have a daily supply of one thing from the states that you miss, what would it be??

Caty Kaye said...

So many great questions!! I have a follow up to Lauren's. Are you or do you have any plans to be featured in the "portfolio" at Willie T's? Amelia, I know it just the legacy you want to leave in the BVI! Has Milly made any friends? How do we get some "Da Tree Men" t-shirts? Matt and I want to represent here in the School of Hard Knox!!

Unknown said...

Love your BVI blog! What's your new favorite food in the BVI? What is the most beautiful thing you have seen? What do you miss the most? Would love a bottle of Pussers... Xoxo

Unknown said...

I've followed your musings and adventures in hopes of learning a few things. (We've not given up on the idea of relocating down there instead of just vacationing!)

In looking back over your first year, what was the hardest lesson to learn, and what was the most pleasant discovery?


Mark in Jacksonville

Unknown said...

How many bottles of Pusser's have been drunk, drank, or consumed in the 1 year in the BVI? I know our crew certainly put down our fair share! Cheers! KK

Jason McKernan said...

After a year, what is your favorite island beverage, Carib, Presidente, or a Bushwhacker?